How to Make an Exe File

An Exe file, or a file with the ".exe" extension, is a type of executable file commonly used
with Windows operating systems. The Exe file is one of the most useful files in Windows, as it
is commonly used to install or run programs. Nearly all installers will be packaged as
executables, and many small software programs (such as the games included with Windows)
run entirely out of Exe files. If you need to package a program or a script for distribution or
installation, you will need to learn how to make an Exe file yourself. Fortunately, Windows
comes with a built-in utility for packaging executables, and using it is fairly simple.

Click Start and Type iexpress and Hit Enter
Select Your Files (Previously Created Files Like. *.bat *.exe)
Select Next-> and Select the Path for Exe file Creation then click Finish.
Now. We create our own .exe File


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